Translating aprsc status view to other languages

Create a new language file

Go to /opt/aprsc/web, and make a copy of the master English strings file. Look up your two-letter language code from the list ('sv' is for Swedish, for example), and use it to construct the file name.

cd /opt/aprsc/web
cp strings-en.json strings-sv.json

Edit strings-sv.json with your favourite editor, translate all the strings. Make sure you use UTF-8 encoding in your editor and terminal.

Reconfigure or restart aprsc

The aprsc process will scan for string files at startup and when reloading configuration. This step will only need to be done once after creating the new string file - after further edits of strings, simply reload the status web page.

To reload configuration, execute the reload option of the startup script.

On Ubuntu or Debian:

sudo service aprsc reload

On Centos (and others):

sudo /etc/init.d/aprsc reload

Add new language mapping

Edit /opt/aprsc/web/aprsc.js - in the beginning you'll find two statements which need to be adjusted:

// add additional language codes here, in the end of the list:
var lang_list = ['en', 'fi'];
// and, if necessary, add one new line in the beginning here,
// for dialect mapping (en_US, en_GB to en):
var lang_map = {
    'en_*': 'en',
    'fi_*': 'fi',
    '*': 'en' // DO NOT remove or change the default mapping to 'en'

For Swedish translation, the first list would become:

var lang_list = ['en', 'fi', 'sv'];

If Swedish would have dialects ('sv_FI' for Swedish spoken in Finland) then the mapping for the variants can be added. Otherwise, only clients requesting plain 'sv' for language will get the translation.

var lang_map = {
    'en_*': 'en',
    'fi_*': 'fi',
    'sv_*': 'sv',
    '*': 'en'

Pass new translation to upstream aprsc code

Give your new translation back to the aprsc project, so that it will be included in future versions automatically, and that it'll be installed on other servers too.